Tag Archives: Old Fashioned

Compass Rose + blood orange syrup.

Compass Rose + blood orange syrup. Blood oranges are a delicious fruit that at their best have raspberry-like flavours that ride on top of the usual oranginess, beautiful marbled flesh and peel that is often dusted with red flecks. But … Continue reading

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Pink Gin.

Pink Gin. Everyone knows that sailors like rum but in the British Navy the officers preferred gin – largely to differentiate themselves from the “lower ranks”. The two gin delivery systems of choice were the Gimlet and the Pink Gin. … Continue reading

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Powder Monkey + tea infused rum.

Powder Monkey + tea rum. In the days of sail it was quickly discovered that storing large quantities of gunpowder next to the guns on the upper decks of your warship was a bad idea (hint: ka-boom!). A much better … Continue reading

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The Sazerac

The Sazerac Apologies for the lack of posts in the last couple of weeks. I was hard at work on my cocktail fact finding mission to the Caribbean and Florida (henceforth: CFFM2CF) to ascertain the state of the tropical cocktail in … Continue reading

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The Old Fashioned

The Old Fashioned. We’re going to carry on keeping things simple for a little bit longer. Today we look at the wonderfully spartan Old Fashioned, which may have a fair claim to being the first cocktail. Especially if we’re being very … Continue reading

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