Category Archives: Technique
Super juice.

Super juice. In cocktailworld various fads come and go. There’s always some wax-mustached dude in a leather apron and Iron Rangers resurrecting some ancient obscure technique or creating some poncy trick to make a cocktail in a wafer thin globe … Continue reading
Desert Rose + dusted garnishes.

Desert Rose + dusted garnishes. I like to roll out a bubbles based recipe on auspicious occasions but the five year anniversary of this blog came and went without my notice. Let’s put things right with a tasty cocktail that … Continue reading
Amaretto Sour + dry shaking.

Amaretto Sour + dry shaking. A reader recently approached me and asked why I hadn’t written about any sweet cocktails. Errr, because I don’t like them? I’m not in this gig for the money, but solely to force my views … Continue reading
The Garnish. Part One + dehydrated citrus wheels

Garnish schmarnish. “So what’s all this garnishing nonsense,” you ask. Ahhh. I’ve been expecting and slightly dreading that question. You’re right of course, it’s something we need to talk about. Now first up I should point out that a) I’m … Continue reading
The Revolver + flamed orange peel.

The Revolver. Created by Joe Santer of Bourbon and Branch, the Revolver is a rather interesting drink. On paper it hardly looks revolutionary – just a coffee tweaked Old Fashioned. However made properly, the Revolver is a revelation. One of … Continue reading
Queen’s Park Swizzle + swizzling.

Swizzling. Everyone knows you can shake a cocktail, stir a cocktail or blend a cocktail. But what did bartenders do before there were electric blenders? They swizzled. Swizzling is a great way to make a drink as well being a … Continue reading
The Caipirinha + muddling.

The Caipirinha – When it’s hot, muggy and energy is hard to muster, there’s nothing quite like a Caipirinha to pick us up. No wonder then that it’s the national drink of Brazil. The base spirit of the Caipirinha (which … Continue reading
Southside + double straining

Southside + double straining. The Southside, like the Daiquiri and the Gimlet, is an exercise in balance between lime and sugar but with an added element – mint. Yes, it’s a simple affair but a delicious one as well … Continue reading
The Clear Ice Problem – a solution.

On clear ice. You will have noticed that many of my recipes have been calling for “a big block of clear ice” and no doubt you’ve been wondering exactly where such a thing is supposed to come from. My bad. … Continue reading
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