Tag Archives: Daiquiri
The Ultimate Daiquiri

Ultimate Daiquiri. It’s been just about eight years since I posted my first article here and I thought we’d celebrate the anniversary by revisiting that recipe – the noble Daiquiri. This time the mission is not to explain via the … Continue reading
Mutiny on the Bounty.

Mutiny on the Bounty I’ve been meaning to write about this one for quite a while but for the thorny problem that it has coconut rum as a major component which comes with… issues. Most coconut rum is a nasty … Continue reading
Spanish Dancer.

Spanish Dancer. The Spanish Dancer is a subtle Daiquiri variation designed to be a minimum effort cocktail to make while on holiday. When you’re kicking back catching some rays outside your Spanish villa the last thing you want to be … Continue reading
Royal Bermuda Yacht Club

Royal Bermuda Yacht Club. Having survived my first year as a cocktail blogger (woo-hoo!) and since the first drink I wrote about was the Daiquiri I thought it might be a good time to look at an interesting twist on … Continue reading
Calico Jack + home-made spiced rum.

Calico Jack. Let’s look an example of making a new cocktail by taking an established classic and modifying the crap out of it. The Calico Jack is a Daiquiri derived cocktail I came up with many years ago and hadn’t … Continue reading
Reduced alcohol drinks #1 – Toy Scooper.

Low booze booze. It’s hard work being a cocktail blogger. A lot of experimentation and fine tuning is involved and while a true professional would cast his failures down the drain my inner Scotsman seems to deny me this option. … Continue reading
Southside + double straining

Southside + double straining. The Southside, like the Daiquiri and the Gimlet, is an exercise in balance between lime and sugar but with an added element – mint. Yes, it’s a simple affair but a delicious one as well … Continue reading
The Whisky Sour + a miracle ingredient.

The Whisky Sour + a miracle ingredient. This is a nice simple drink for the whisky lover. It’s been around forever and is so standard it never even sees much discussion. Some may say a Whisky Sour is bourbon, lemon … Continue reading
The Gimlet

The Gimlet Let’s make something simple. You’ve got gin, right? If not we’re really wasting each others’ time here and I suggest you leave. Sugar? Thought so. You can get you hands on a lime, right? Excellent – there can be … Continue reading
The Daiquiri

The Daiquiri It begins here. Rum, lime, sugar. Simple, elegant, delicious. Yet the years have been cruel to this wonderful drink. Perhaps no cocktail has been so butchered and debased during The Dark Ages of cocktail history (c. 1975 … Continue reading
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