Tag Archives: mezcal

Mezcalculation. One of my favourite cocktails is the Martinez with its oude jenever base, healthy dose of Italian vermouth and a touch of maraschino liqueur – all tempered by a few dashes of bitters. One day I was sippin’ on … Continue reading
The Sun Stone + Chipotle infused tequila.

The Sun Stone + chipotle infused tequila. There are relatively few tequila cocktails compared to those based on other spirits and I was thinking about why this is. Maybe because it’s hard to improve on something like a good Tommy’s … Continue reading

Zapoteca. One of my favourite versions of the Negroni is the unimaginatively named Mezcal Negroni which simply replaces gin with a good quality mezcal. But what if we double down on the substitutions in a quest for something that is … Continue reading
Dr. Faust.

Dr. Faust. Recently we looked at the tropical Doctor Funk cocktail and I promised you some variations of it. When embarking upon a variation voyage the first thing we consider is a change of base spirit. Sometimes it works and … Continue reading
Shot With a Diamond.

Shot With a Diamond. Sometimes you have a concept for a drink. Sometimes that concept stubbornly refuses to turn into anything anyone would actually want to drink. This is the story of such a drink. This is the story of … Continue reading
Terrible Love.

Terrible Love. I recently created a drink named after a song by The National but it seems I’m not the only one to have done so. I was perusing my new copy of the Death & Co cocktail book* when I … Continue reading
Goodnight Vienna.

Goodnight Vienna. Does there always have to be a story? Nah. Here’s a tasty cocktail that I named Goodnight Vienna. It’s a sort of stirred sister to the Solipsist. End of. Goodnight Vienna. 1.25oz / 37.5ml mezcal (of good quality … Continue reading
The Solipsist

The Solipsist. When mixing with wonderful, wonderful mezcal we need to tread carefully. It’s a spirit that can take over a drink and it pays to use a little less of it than you would of a milder spirit. I’ve … Continue reading
The Last Mariachi + mezcal.

The Last Mariachi. Here’s the thing: I’ve recently developed a bit of a mezcal habit. For a long time I thought, like many of us, that mezcal was a cheap and somewhat dodgy version of tequila. And it often was. … Continue reading
The Last Word.

The Last Word – Bartenders talk about this drink in hushed reverential tones for it is truly a masterpiece of liquid engineering. Probably originating from the Detroit Athletics Club around a century ago, The Last Word is an unlikely sounding … Continue reading
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