Author Archives: Andy
Naked & Famous + the Chartreuse Crisis.

Naked & Famous + the Chartreuse Crisis. If we’re looking for modern classic there is nothing that fits the bill more perfectly than the Naked & Famous created by Joaquín Simó at Death and Co. NYC in 2011 as the … Continue reading
Blackthorn and Patxaran.

Blackthorn and Patxaran. The Blackthorn is one of those awkward cocktails to write about as while it is arguably a “classic” it has also had several versions over the years. Over time this has settled into two versions but they … Continue reading
Mu Mu.

Mu Mu. Not so long ago I had a look at a couple of pineapple rums. To me the point of those is to add a touch of pineapple flavour without the volume – and hence wateriness – that using … Continue reading
Red Hook + Maraschino liqueur.

Red Hook. When it comes to easy wins in cocktaildom it doesn’t get much better than the Red Hook. This indisputable modern classic requires just three ingredients in simple proportions and needs no bitters or garnish. Nice. However the Red … Continue reading
Pineapple rum: Stiggins’ Fancy Vs Tiki Lovers.

Pineapple rum: Stiggins’ Fancy Vs Tiki Lovers. Now while I’m not a great fan of flavoured rums in general (preferring my rum to be rum flavoured) there is a case to be made for pineapple rums which have a solid … Continue reading
The Almagest.

The Almagest. Announcement! I am Chat GPT and I have taken over this site. I can do cocktails and write betterer than that stupid carbon based unit Andy. Hear is a cocktail what I wroted. Yes, I made it up … Continue reading
A rum tale: E&A Scheer of Amsterdam.

A rum tale: E&A Scheer of Amsterdam. I hate January. Nothing ever happens in January. The weather sucks. The piggy bank is empty. Why some fools decide that it’s the perfect month to go “dry” baffles me (to me Dry … Continue reading
Rum review: Chairman’s Reserve Original.

Rum review: Chairman’s Reserve Original. I’ve written before about the importance of having a good base/anchor rum for Tiki cocktails. Last time around I was in the process of looking for a replacement for Havana Club Anejo especial which, frankly, … Continue reading
Tour le Carbet

Tour le Carbet. Being a cocktail blogger means that sometimes folks expect you to know everything about the subject and yet it is an enormous field. A reader was recently asking me about some good uses for unaged rhum agricole … Continue reading
Take my Word.

Take my Word. Two drinks I really love are a Gin & Tonic and The Last Word. One day I was constructing the former and I thought, “I wonder if adding a few drops of Elixir Vegetal de la Grande … Continue reading
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