Tag Archives: cocktail

Sir Walter.

Sir Walter. Last time we looked at the history of cocktail legend Harry MacElhone and his famous Harry’s New York bar in Paris. This time I’m going to introduce you to a Harry M creation that is largely overlooked and, … Continue reading

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Rum Barrel.

Rum Barrel. The Rum Barrel is a drink that shows up on the menu of bona fide Tiki bars yet leads to some puzzlement regarding the recipe. And there is a good reason for this confusion. Like the Planter’s Punch … Continue reading

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Hotel Nacional Special + pineapple juice

So f***ing special. Hotel Nacional Special. Back in the Halcyon days before communism, when Cuba was America’s playground run by brutal puppet dictators and the mafia, the rich and famous liked to stay in Havana’s prestigious and historic* Hotel Nacional. … Continue reading

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11 Dashes.

11 Dashes Happy 2021 readers! Let’s hope this is a better year for everyone and especially the beleaguered hospitality industry who have been particularly battered by 2020. Maybe after the festive season – or what passed for it this year … Continue reading

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The Kessel Run + Szechuan tincture.

The Kessel Run + Szechuan tincture. We’ve covered a lot of ground here over the years but it seems to me we’ve not done enough Sci-Fi Tiki drinks. Yes, it really is a (sub)genre. My contribution to the canon is … Continue reading

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Mexican “Firing Squad” Special.

Mexican “Firing Squad” Special. While the “Firing Squad” might sound like some modern student bravado shooter it’s really something much older and wiser. Charles H Baker’s 1939 The Gentleman’s Companion: Being an Exotic Drinking Book or Around the World with … Continue reading

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Amaretto Sour + dry shaking.

Amaretto Sour + dry shaking. A reader recently approached me and asked why I hadn’t written about any sweet cocktails. Errr, because I don’t like them? I’m not in this gig for the money, but solely to force my views … Continue reading

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Pink Gin.

Pink Gin. Everyone knows that sailors like rum but in the British Navy the officers preferred gin – largely to differentiate themselves from the “lower ranks”. The two gin delivery systems of choice were the Gimlet and the Pink Gin. … Continue reading

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10 Bottles / 10 Cocktails.

10 Bottles / 10 Cocktails. This cocktail malarky is all well and good, but how are you supposed to get started on your journey to mixin’ Nirvana? Excellent question dear reader. With ten green bottles*. Some pundits recommend one or … Continue reading

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Roadrunner. A wee while ago we made some coffee infused bourbon and it’s such a wonderful thing that it would be a shame not to use it in some more recipes. And in our last exciting episode we talked a … Continue reading

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